Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Unheard Of - 40 Years And Going Strong


The Unheard Of – Fun In The Sun

The Vox Elder (Jim Galaxy) 1992


The Unheard Of - Summer Of Fun tour finished up the actual official Summer portion of the 2024 trippin' through southeastern Wisconsin, with a great party at Ted and Jeannette's home (Ted is the drummer for The Unheard Of). Joe Rocha joined in again doing some solo and rhythm with the band. Our summer tour started at Joe and Jackie Rocha's Father's Day celebration then wrapped up with Ted and Jeannette's Labor Day festival of music, food and fun, but these are just mile markers on a road that is the ongoing magical mystery tour that started 40 years ago when The Vox Elder, aka Jim Galaxy, put together a 60s style psychedelic rock band he named The Unheard Of doing both original and cover music, the cover music being their own version – often much better than the originals.

But stay tuned cuz there's plenty more to come...

We're still putting together autumn shows and, of course, making plans for next year and beyond. The spirit of the music lives on in the soul of the band – The Vox Elder and his group of gifted minstrels. The Unheard Of is adding more songs to their playlist doing full 4 hour gigs pretty much by themselves. It's tough on the guys but this tiny dancer is really enjoying it.

The real big news is the upcoming release of a brand new album through Spiros Pelekis, a well known celebrity in Greece, under the RumbleSkunk label. The band's following is growing throughout the United States, Europe, The Mediterranean, and Southeast Asia. It's rare for any rock group to stay together for more than a few years, yet The Unheard Of is going strong after 40. The only other group I can think of with this kind of endurance is the Rolling Stones.

Thanks for joining us in celebration of the new renaissance of musical rhythm and harmony that is part of the world that emerged after the great war of the 20th century. From the ashes of the battles rose the phoenix of peace through the magic of art.

Following are links to follow for the Fan Club, singles recorded and edited by Dave the keyboardist, and other info such as booking and so on.

Peace Love and Rock & Roll always


The Unheard Of Fan Page

Of Random Interest

Booking and more info - Little Light Productions email


    Girl                          Lonely Teardrops

 Daytime Lover            Where You Gonna Go 

     Fever                      Time Of The Season

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Unheard Of Rocks Dundee's Roadhouse

 The Unheard Of

Summer Of Fun tour continues...

The Unheard Of continues their Summer Of Fun tour around southeastern Wisconsin that started at the Rocha's annual Fathers Day parade, picnic, and party celebration and continues now through the rural farm areas in places that have been around since the early trappers and explorers were trading with the local native tribes. These trading posts grew into small towns then became bustling centers of trade as the railroads came in. A lot of cool spirits seem to be watching over the places where they gathered while still among the living, and now in a more ethereal form, that still attracts the vibes of good people having a good time together with family and friends. The old towns had their gambling halls, saloons, and brothels - most of the original buildings are still in use today but the businesses have tamed down quite a bit as farms and families came to make a living so close to nature.


I have no doubt that these spirits formed committees between our reality and the unseen unknowable realm where the mind, (psyche) manifests (delich) to bring in The Unheard Of with their wild and untamed style of psychedelic music with it's roots in the garage bands of the 1960s. This is the 40th birthday for the band The Vox Elder, aka Jim Galaxy, started back in 1984 and has kept going strong. Vox is the only original member and is truly the soul of the band. He's the one that makes it The Unheard Of with their unique style of original and cover music. They also have another album release coming soon so be sure to check back at The Unheard Of Fan Page for details about the release and upcoming shows broadcast live on Facebook.

After blowing up his amp at Candy's Pub in St. Anthony a couple weeks ago another was made ready to keep the show on the road for the Summer Of Fun tour.

Join me, won't you, as I share the experience...

Vox and I pulled into the parking lot at The Dundee Roadhouse in Dundee, WI. We saw the other band members unloading and mingling so we joined in. I had an immediate good feeling about this place with all the Harley Davidson motorcycles and some cool cars filling the area. We had a bit of a look around then settled in with the rest of the group and got on about the task of setting up. It's a big place with a main bar, dance hall, and huge backyard area all filled with the laid back folks that live in the area and followers of the band that came from near and far to enjoy the hot afternoon on the first Sunday of August. The guys have been doing full four hour gigs on their own which I must say that I find, for the most part, to be a much better event.

Things went exceptionally well with all the equipment working right off so we got drinks and food while waiting for the guys to open the show with Lonely Teardrops. I do love that song, but then I love all their music – it just gets my little feet to dancing and my body moving to the music while trying to hold my camera steady and take mental notes for the write-ups. The crowd was fun and friendly with great service provided by Teresa the bartender.

Joe Polizzi was on the scene taking high quality pictures that can be seen on the Of Random Interest page. Dave, the keyboardist, recorded the show and edited it into singles that you can check out on The Unheard Of Fan Page. Both do a great job and provide more of the awesome experience for everyone to join in and share.

Following are some links of interest for more pics, music, and contact info.

Love you all




The Unheard Of Fan Page

Of Random Interest

Booking And Info 


Singles Live From The Dundee Roadhouse 

   Lonely Teardrops                  Thinking About You

I Will Always Love You        We Ain't Got Nothin Yet

  Where You Gonna Go                     Ever Again          





Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Vox Elder Blows Up Amp At Candy's Pub!

The legend of The Vox Elder continues...

Halfway through their third set of The Unheard Of – Live at Candy's Pub in St. Lawrence, Wisconsin, the music was getting so intense that The Vox Elder blew up his amp while doing cover of Heart Full Of Soul. We were all cranked up dancing and screaming like it was an Elvis or Beatles show back in the 60s. Suddenly the lead guitar went quiet. They finished the song then started checking power cords and fuses to get him back online but realized it was the amp itself so they finished the show with Vox's awesome voice less his equally awesome lead riffs and, like true masters of the art, just kept right on playing finishing the show. The next day Ted opened up the amp and found a blown fuse with capacitors knocked down and burned up like a tsunami of psychedelic energy and hurricane force winds of rock music harmony had driven the amplifier beyond it's limits. That's how 60s psychedelic rock is supposed to be done so the legend lives on. I love when they do that song and am still getting the twingles and quivers remembering the awesome event.

In case you missed the show there's another coming on August 4th starting at 3 PM at Dundee's Roadhouse in Dundee, Wisconsin. If you can't get there we will, as always, have Facebook Live covering the show and of course Dave will provide much better edits of the singles afterwords. I heard The Vox will have a new amp built from WW2 Army surplus bunkers, tanks, the powerhouse from an aircraft carrier, along with other paraphernalia to beat the swords of war to the plowshares of music. Okay, I may have exaggerated that last part just a smidge but a new bigger amp and backup system are actually being prepared for the event.

If you haven't heard yet, The Unheard Of is celebrating their 40th birthday touring southeastern Wisconsin through the 2024 spring, summer, and fall seasons. Their popularity continues with new vinyl Albums being released, YouTube updates and a following all over Europe, Greece, Great Britain and of course loyal fans all across the United States.

The Unheard Of – Live at Candy's Pub last Sunday – July 14th, was a lot fun and, to me, the best venue we've been to in my years with the band doing sorta roadie, helper outer, as well as Vox's assistant and official writer upper of the band's history as it continues to unfold – it just keeps getting better all the time!

I want to give extra mention of Candy's Pub since we all had such a fun time dancing, sipping drinks, and eating some delicious food. We definitely recommend a trip there while you're out having summer fun and frolicking. Rev up your motorcycle, car, horse and buggy or whatever you do your summer trippin' and explorin' on or in. Be sure to tell them The Unheard Of sent you.

Hope you enjoy the pics and clips from the show. Please like, comment, and follow this Blog and my Random Reviews to stay posted and in touch as well as sharing on your timelines, feeds, and social media. There is a complete listing and links for all info about The Unheard Of.

Hope to see you at the events. Be sure to say hi, we'd love to meet you.

Peace Love and Rock & Roll always




Some Singles From The GIG

Videos recorded and edited by Dave (keyboard player with The Unheard Of)

Soul Kitchen           Thinking About You          Girl

 The Unheard Of Links

Fan Page           Website          Live At Dundee's Roadhouse


Profile          Event Page

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Unheard Of 40th Birthday Tour


 The Unheard is 40 and going strong!


The Unheard Of is celebrating 40 years of 60s Style Psychedelic Rock with both original and cover music. Their 2024 summer of fun kicked off the festivities with a set at Joe and Jackie Rocha's big Father's Day extravaganza in Mukwonago, WI. Joe joined in for a couple songs since he and The Vox Elder go way back with Joe having been part of The Unheard Of at times over the years. Perfect way to get the summer rolling.


We all had a great time at the party and you can see the entire Facebook Live and singles from the set provided by Dave on keyboard. Dave's recordings are a better quality than the Facebook Live so please be sure to check them out at TheUnheard Of Fan Page on Facebook.

The next gig is July 14th from 3 PM to 7PM at Candy's in Addison, WI. There will be music, fun, and prizes with The Unheard Of adding some new songs to their already primo performance. Of course there will be a Facebook Live since they have both a national and international following. Come meet the guys and me for some fun at a good old fashioned Wisconsin summertime rock show.

As I said earlier, this is 40 years of The Unheard Of started by The Vox Elder, aka Jim Galaxy, back in 1984. Rumor has it (and you didn't hear this from me) they might even have a new vinyl album coming out this year and possibly a book. Again, these are just rumors and far be it from me to give out spoilers (but keep coming back, follow the fan page and this blog so you can be the first to know).

Here's a few clips and pics from Father's Day as well as additional information like how to book The Unheard Of for your own celebrations




The Unheard Of Fan Page          Website


The Unheard Of - Live (next event) 

Booking and other info (email)

A few live songs from Father's Day...

Where You Gonna Go Now                Soul Kitchen                Draggin The Line

Father's Day Facebook Live


Peace Love and Rock & Roll


Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Unheard Of At Kate's Place - November 23, 2022

Twas the night before Thanksgiving, and all through the town, West Bend was a stirrin', to a real hot new sound. The Unheard Of at Kate's Place, a bar on Main Street, had folks just a dancin', to a real cool beat...

The Unheard Of at Kate's Place!

It was November 23rd, 2022. Night was upon the city of West Bend when we all met up at Kate's Place - a really fun place on Main Street atop the banks of the Milwaukee River. After setting up the equipment we headed over to Casa Tequila for some great Mexican food. Then it was back to Kate's Place for sound checks by Joe Polizzi, and after a few minor adjustments, it was time for the music to start.

The bar quickly filled up with a bunch of real cool folks and Kate was busy pouring drinks. Good times!

What a great way to kick off the Thanksgiving weekend of 2022! Thank you Kate for a fun night and big thanks to all the folks that dropped in or caught the gig on Facebook  Live on The Unheard Of Metropole. The entire gig is posted below in 2 parts. There's more on the Metropole page including individual videos from another camera of some of the songs live from the show.

Please like, follow, and leave your comments through the links at the end of this blog. You can see all The Unheard Of blog postings by clicking the Home tab on this page.

Visit The Unheard Of on Facebook through the following links:

On the web:

For booking and info email Jamie at:

Now on with the show...

The Unheard Of

First set                Second set

The Party...

Happy Holidays From All Of Us

Peace Love and Rock & Roll always

Little Light Productions

Friday, November 4, 2022

The Unheard Of - Halloween Shindig In Review

The big buzz on the streets of music town this week is all about The Unheard Of's presentation of their Halloween Shindig extravaganza at Kochanski's Concertina Beer Hall on Milwaukee's south side this past Saturday, October 29th. There was music, dancing, and some dynamite costumes.

If you missed it, well you came to the right place, gonna give you a chance to check it out with a few peeks and a link to the entire show that was filmed in front of a live audience complete with skeletons, ghosts, and the likes of which you expect at a top shelf party - a Halloween Shindig party!

See the entire show and more at The Unheard Of Metropole on Facebook. Pics open a new window to see the video.

The Unheard Of

The Unheard Of Presents...

Halloween Shindig

The Unheard Of - Left Handed Cigarette

Costume Contest Awards

The Winners - Dawn And Sonny Musolf

Now Back To The Music

Aimless Blades

Great Pumpkin Rangers

Also Performing were Edgar Allen Cash and Rustle Of Love. Unfortunately, it was late with a long drive ahead but it was a couple more great performances to finish off the night's festivities.

The Party


Thank you Andy Kochanski a great bartender with a great bar and wonderful people. Be sure to drop in sometime for more music and fun.

Big thank you to all!
From all of us at The Unheard Of...
Peace Love and Rock & Roll

For booking and more info email Jamie at Little Light Productions

Saturday, October 22, 2022

The Unheard Of Presents: Halloween Shindig - October 29

There's an event coming up this weekend that Jim Galaxy, aka The Vox Elder, and I have been working on for the last 2 months. It's The Unheard Of presentation of Halloween Shindig from 9:00 PM till 1:00 AM with 4 bands and a costume contest with some really cool prizes. So please do come join us, wear a costume if you like, and take part in the night's fun and festivities.

Read on for details, pics, and some sample music.

The show is at Kochanski's Concertina Beer Hall in West Allis on October 29th and will begin at 9:00 PM then continues until 1:00 AM - yes, right through the magic of the witching hour and then some. There will be a $10 cover charge at the door.

The Unheard Of will be broadcast on Facebook Live as well as mingling with the folks and can be seen live (or replay) at The Unheard Of Metropole.

Kochanski's Concertina Beer Hall is located at...

1920 S 37th St, Milwaukee, WI 53215 

Phone: (414) 837-6552

Website (link opens in new tab)

The Unheard Of presents: Halloween Shindig

Click on the image to open the official event page in a new window

Click here for the official event page in a new window

Show Schedule (times may vary slightly)

9:00 PM - The Great Pumpkin Rangers

9:30 PM - The Aimless Blades

10:30 PM - The Unheard Of

11:30 PM - Costume Contest

Prizes are as follows:

The Unheard Of - Tales Of The Vox Elder

Tales Of The Vox Elder is an album on vinyl not available in US

Aimless Blade - 2 original CDs

Midnight - Edgar Allen Cash

Click on image to open link in a new tab

Hope to see you all there or on Facebook Live at The Unheard Of Metropole

From all of us at The Unheard Of...
Peace Love and Rock & Roll

With love always

For booking and other info email - Little Light Productions