Monday, January 29, 2018

January 28, 2018 - Where Is It Written That The Straight-White-Male Is The Standard For Normal?

You know it is a rather peculiar society we live in, or maybe I should say it’s our collective outlook that seems so strange to me. We have this notion that ‘normal’ is a Protestant-straight-white-male and anything else is something of a genetic abnormality or even an abomination. Well, okay, white women almost make the grade but even they have a long way to equality. Why is it such a big deal to have the first Black President? So many are hoping for the first female president. The first female transgender senator made all the news. When a pastor at a local church came out as gay it created an uproar that caused many to leave the church. I recall when, not all that long ago, females reporting news or weather were considered unacceptable since nobody would take them seriously. Are those of us that are not in the classification of straight-white-male really so much beneath this 'norm' that when we succeed as equals it makes society stop in it's tracks? I do hope that people are now beginning to understand that being black, LGBT, or even female are not choices people make, it’s just who we are and who we are happens to be just as good or bad as anyone else. And really I don’t think anybody can fit any label 100%, we all fall somewhere within a great spectrum of diversity shining our special light in the great rainbow of creation.

Maybe there’s something to it all though,

If you look at all these ‘firsties’ that come along they do tend to have some resemblance to what is considered attractive or desirable to the white collective. It’s much easier for a female trans to integrate into society if she’s somewhat pretty and the whiter a black person looks and acts the better their chances of being accepted into the straight-white-male group. This concept really began to become a rather disturbing part of history when large numbers of the straight-white-males began to explore different regions of the planet. When the first white people arrived in China they were seen as ugly and aggressive creatures with long pointed noses that were constantly being stuck into other people’s business. Look at the catastrophic effects this ‘only-white-is-normal’ had on Blacks and the natives in the Americas. When you consider that the religious beliefs of nearly all those of white European heritage are based in African spiritual practices it makes you wonder what’s up, remember the one known as Jesus was a North African Hebrew whose actual name is quite different and difficult for Europeans to pronounce so it was changed and a picture of a white European is now worshiped. It seems that pretty much every ethnic group has some sort of personified god or deity in charge that looks just like them. Why is it that so many of the straight-white-folks demand everyone accept and worship a white male heterosexual cis-gendered god? We can each have our unique understanding of the greater self with a higher purpose and still get along just fine – in fact it can be a good thing.

So anyhow I just wanted to share these thoughts with you all. Maybe I see the world somewhat different than most, I don’t know – I can’t read minds. But I think my perspective is shifted somewhat from the norm, a good friend of mine often tells me, “You know Jamie, you really live in your own little reality”, he believes the way I see things is kind of far out and usually gets a laugh. I do like to see people smile though.

So big hugs and blessings to all - I need to get ready for church. Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

January 23, 2018 Drama, Issues, And Love

Hello. I hope all is well for everyone as we get up and running into the new year. How are those resolutions coming? I hope that positive new habits are being formed and whatever hopes you have for 2018 come true for you even better than you may have imagined. I'm hoping to get back into writing more, it's just been so busy, but writing is something I enjoy.

So has anybody else noticed an increase in in the drama some people have been bringing into their lives and the lives of others in the few weeks since this year began? I certainly have. It's strange, in the last year or two I've felt a definite shift in energy in the transition from one year to the next. Coming into 2017 I just knew and felt there was a very positive change that was going to be happening in my life -  as it turned out it was even better than I could've imagined. 2018 has a rather peculiar feel to it though. There seem to be some very strong forces at work behind this veil we so like to call 'reality'.  It feels like they have the potential to bring incredibly positive things and at the same time have some potential for the undesirable. While I feel some wonderful things are in the works, at the same time the drama I'm seeing is definitely something that to me is undesirable. But these are all lessons after all aren't they? I really oughtn't judge them. They just are.

The thing is that I tend to be a rather laid back individual. Why create problems where none exist? Oddly enough that very personality trait seems to be a hot button with many of the people that I know. I've had individuals bring very simple issues to me, like signing up for 2 offices in our church which turned out to be against the rules. A woman came to me and told me I couldn't be on 2 committees. I responded with, "Okay, take me off the second." A little while later the pastor, who also happens to be a very close friend and teacher, came to me asking what I said that so upset this woman. I told him I didn't know and we talked a bit about the conversation I'd had with her. He ended up having to bring her back for another discussion to explain that I wasn't upset, I just felt my suggestion was the simplest solution and the pastor agreed. Well anyhow, there have been quite a few instances like this where people seem to be trying to create problems where none exist. Has anyone else noticed this?

So much for drama and issues, I've also noticed some increase in the love I'm feeling and sharing with others.

I'd like to share my Facebook post with you rather than repeating the story:

Today I received the nicest gift anyone has ever given me. My friend Kathy who’s on the left side of the picture below found a heart left from a memorial service and an easel to put it on. She then covered it with a purple scarf and left it in front of our church. It was found and almost thrown away until they heard the story she told about it. When Curtis told the story to our congregation at Sunday Service I began crying the deepest tears of joy, love, and gratitude.

Kathy is a friend of mine who happens to be homeless. She has a depth of wisdom beyond most and a heart that I’m sure makes Jesus The Christ smile. Kathy made this as a gift to me. She told the person who found it that it was a ‘Purple Heart’ that she wanted to give me for my courage in being so open about my being transgender. As I so often say this is not an act of courage on my part, I happen to love being transgender and feel it’s a blessing and a gift. Kathy lives in a world that forces her to sleep outside with no guarantee of a meal from one day to the next. Kathy always has a smile and a hug for me and everyone else even though she faces her trials daily in a world that doesn’t know she exists. That smile and warm heart of hers are real courage that truly humbles me.

I’ve been blessed with some truly awesome and amazing friends.

In other matters of love...

Have you ever been in love? The romantic kind of love? I think love is wonderful but find I have to explain myself from time to time. See, to me if you love someone it's all about really appreciating who they are and letting your love set each other free and watching each other grow. All too often If I tell a guy I love him he either gets scared and runs or seems to believe that now he's got me under his control. Let me say first that this kitty doesn't do well on a leash and I have no desire to put a leash on someone else. One thing I never want to do with someone I love is change them, I fell in love with the person they are and just want us to grow together. As far as sex goes I feel it's just a way of expressing affection and is something that friends may choose to share on some level, some more, some less. It should be simple and spontaneous. What better way is there to show someone how you feel about them? I'm not talking about empty sex like just hooking up, I'm talking about sharing something very special with someone who is also very special.

Anyhow, I guess that's enough for tonight.

Big hugs and blessings to all.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

January 6, 2018 - The New Year Has Begun!

The busy holiday season of 2017 is now a beautiful memory and the first few drops of 2018 are trickling through. Hi everyone, I missed you all. Last year wrapped up with so much excitement. I’m finally ready to catch up a bit. Where to begin???

I found a new book/new author that I’d like to share. Have you given up on your New Year’s resolutions yet? Whether you’re still following your new attempts at self-improvement, if you have given up on those things, or if you happen to be like me who is someone that doesn’t make New Year resolutions (I actually make no resolutions at all) this book is one terrific alternative for creating and maintaining new habits. I might add that I honestly don’t buy into that whole self-help thing, the way I see it, “I’m not broken, don’t start trying to fix me. I’m fine just the way I am.” So with those thoughts in mind, why not go ahead and check this out. Really, I think you should give this one a try, I’m sure you’ll like it.

Let’s start with who and what I’m talking about. The author is Dr. Mani and the title is, ‘Knife At A Gun Fight’. You can find it at Amazon or just follow this linkI must say that I like the title since it reminds me of the old Humphrey Bogart type bad boy (sigh - lol) movies but remember that we should never judge a book by its name or label. You will very quickly see the reasoning for this title early in the book and it makes so much sense. First of all let me just say that Dr. Mani is a heart surgeon by profession and also by his natural life process. He is of course so many other things including humanitarian, family man, and I suppose you could say a dedicated student of life. This book shows Dr. Mani’s unique insight to the intricate part of human nature known as ‘habits’ along with his uncanny ability to take a complex subject and make it an easy read while providing many times its own weight in the wisdom of how to change for the better. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that I’m a certified hypnotist proficient in several types of symbolistic techniques and have some formal training in the way the subconscious mind works – sometimes to our benefit, sometimes not so much. The subconscious is of course where our habits have their roots and needs special attention when making conscious positive change. Dr. Mani seems to know quite well this inner monitor that we all share. He casually strolls these paths in the mind like a walk in the garden while providing a typical self-dialog that is quick to bring a smile. So check it out,  Knife At A Gun Fight I like it and I think you will too.

In other thoughts of authors and gurus…

Have I ever mentioned my favorite, “Guru that doesn’t seem to know he’s a guru”? John Harricharan is a little wealth of wisdom who shares deeply spiritual ideas just like I eat PB&J’s for lunch. My favorite book by John is, ‘When You Can Walk On Water Take The Boat’. Typically he gives this one and many others away for free. John Harricharan is not your typical self-proclaimed guru or self-help guy, he just shares a deep inner wisdom that’s easy and fun to read. You should check him out too.

(Of course my book is still available but we can talk about that another time)

On the transitioning front…

Things are really moving along now. I love the changes I see happening to my external appearance and people are calling me ‘mam’ even when I don’t wear makeup or jewelry. Oh it feels so good every time I hear it. I’m once again aligning my outside self to my truest most sincere sense of who I am, who I’ve always been. It’s like being a butterfly that’s able to watch the metamorphosis as its happening. It feels so good! I’ve also had an appointment with the cosmetic surgeon for breast augmentation and almost had my first consultation with the gender reassignment surgeon but had to reschedule because he was stuck in surgery. It’s okay to wait a bit longer though, I mean I’ve been waiting a lifetime for this and I am a very patient person. A few more weeks won’t be too big of a deal. I just love being trans, its such a cool feeling to be going through life with this perspective. Since I’d already transitioned to, as they say, “full time female" once before, I know how wonderful it feels to really be able to express myself. Being complete will be incredible but right now is also quite incredible and exciting. You know I truly hope everyone out there knows how good it is to just be the person they were created to be. We’re these beautiful shining glimmers in the rainbow of life. Let the pretense go and shine bright!

Big hugs and blessings to everyone.