You know it is a rather peculiar society we live in, or maybe I should say it’s our collective outlook that seems so strange to me. We have this notion that ‘normal’ is a Protestant-straight-white-male and anything else is something of a genetic abnormality or even an abomination. Well, okay, white women almost make the grade but even they have a long way to equality. Why is it such a big deal to have the first Black President? So many are hoping for the first female president. The first female transgender senator made all the news. When a pastor at a local church came out as gay it created an uproar that caused many to leave the church. I recall when, not all that long ago, females reporting news or weather were considered unacceptable since nobody would take them seriously. Are those of us that are not in the classification of straight-white-male really so much beneath this 'norm' that when we succeed as equals it makes society stop in it's tracks? I do hope that people are now beginning to understand that being black, LGBT, or even female are not choices people make, it’s just who we are and who we are happens to be just as good or bad as anyone else. And really I don’t think anybody can fit any label 100%, we all fall somewhere within a great spectrum of diversity shining our special light in the great rainbow of creation.
Maybe there’s something to it all though,
If you look at all these ‘firsties’ that come along they do tend to have some resemblance to what is considered attractive or desirable to the white collective. It’s much easier for a female trans to integrate into society if she’s somewhat pretty and the whiter a black person looks and acts the better their chances of being accepted into the straight-white-male group. This concept really began to become a rather disturbing part of history when large numbers of the straight-white-males began to explore different regions of the planet. When the first white people arrived in China they were seen as ugly and aggressive creatures with long pointed noses that were constantly being stuck into other people’s business. Look at the catastrophic effects this ‘only-white-is-normal’ had on Blacks and the natives in the Americas. When you consider that the religious beliefs of nearly all those of white European heritage are based in African spiritual practices it makes you wonder what’s up, remember the one known as Jesus was a North African Hebrew whose actual name is quite different and difficult for Europeans to pronounce so it was changed and a picture of a white European is now worshiped. It seems that pretty much every ethnic group has some sort of personified god or deity in charge that looks just like them. Why is it that so many of the straight-white-folks demand everyone accept and worship a white male heterosexual cis-gendered god? We can each have our unique understanding of the greater self with a higher purpose and still get along just fine – in fact it can be a good thing.
So anyhow I just wanted to share these thoughts with you all. Maybe I see the world somewhat different than most, I don’t know – I can’t read minds. But I think my perspective is shifted somewhat from the norm, a good friend of mine often tells me, “You know Jamie, you really live in your own little reality”, he believes the way I see things is kind of far out and usually gets a laugh. I do like to see people smile though.