Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Unheard Of - 40 Years And Going Strong


The Unheard Of – Fun In The Sun

The Vox Elder (Jim Galaxy) 1992


The Unheard Of - Summer Of Fun tour finished up the actual official Summer portion of the 2024 trippin' through southeastern Wisconsin, with a great party at Ted and Jeannette's home (Ted is the drummer for The Unheard Of). Joe Rocha joined in again doing some solo and rhythm with the band. Our summer tour started at Joe and Jackie Rocha's Father's Day celebration then wrapped up with Ted and Jeannette's Labor Day festival of music, food and fun, but these are just mile markers on a road that is the ongoing magical mystery tour that started 40 years ago when The Vox Elder, aka Jim Galaxy, put together a 60s style psychedelic rock band he named The Unheard Of doing both original and cover music, the cover music being their own version – often much better than the originals.

But stay tuned cuz there's plenty more to come...

We're still putting together autumn shows and, of course, making plans for next year and beyond. The spirit of the music lives on in the soul of the band – The Vox Elder and his group of gifted minstrels. The Unheard Of is adding more songs to their playlist doing full 4 hour gigs pretty much by themselves. It's tough on the guys but this tiny dancer is really enjoying it.

The real big news is the upcoming release of a brand new album through Spiros Pelekis, a well known celebrity in Greece, under the RumbleSkunk label. The band's following is growing throughout the United States, Europe, The Mediterranean, and Southeast Asia. It's rare for any rock group to stay together for more than a few years, yet The Unheard Of is going strong after 40. The only other group I can think of with this kind of endurance is the Rolling Stones.

Thanks for joining us in celebration of the new renaissance of musical rhythm and harmony that is part of the world that emerged after the great war of the 20th century. From the ashes of the battles rose the phoenix of peace through the magic of art.

Following are links to follow for the Fan Club, singles recorded and edited by Dave the keyboardist, and other info such as booking and so on.

Peace Love and Rock & Roll always


The Unheard Of Fan Page

Of Random Interest

Booking and more info - Little Light Productions email


    Girl                          Lonely Teardrops

 Daytime Lover            Where You Gonna Go 

     Fever                      Time Of The Season