Hello Again. Seems like I've been starting out with the same old line of, "Hi, it's been a while... So much has happened..." quite a lot for a while now. Well it has been a while, almost a year, and yes so much has happened. So much really cool stuff and awesome new friends coming into my life it's hard, if not impossible, to describe it all. The most important person that's come into my life is a man that generally goes by his stage moniker of Vox Elder and is how I'll refer to him now and in the future posts to come.
Allow me to introduce Mr. Vox Elder and The Unheard Of...
Vox has a really cool band called The Unheard Of. The Unheard Of is a 60s style garage type psychedelic rock band that he started in 1984 and has been playing his own music and some cover ever since. Vox is the only original member left but it is his band so that's only natural. I first experienced Vox Elder and The Unheard of at the Circle A bar in Milwaukee's Riverwest area. To say he and his band struck my fancy would be like saying Quasimodo had a little bell that he rang on his rooftop. Yes! I was now experiencing something like never before. I really didn't know the how or why of it all but I knew I liked this experience and needed more. I had a strong desire to get to know this guy and the band but had no idea of how that might happen. I knew nothing about him or how our paths might somehow cross. But the universe has a cool way of inspiring things in us for reasons we can never understand then lets us just sit back and enjoy the music. I am now very close to Vox, an official crew member for The Unheard Of, and Vox's personal assistant. Exactly how this all came to be is something I really can't explain but it happened and here I am writing and having a great time.
So to the point...
I've decided to get my old blog off the closet shelf and dust it off a bit with a new purpose and theme. Jamie's Little Light is now gonna shine on what's happening with The Unheard Of. I started booking gigs for the group early in the fall of 2021 when we all thought the covid pandemic was over and the sun was shining again on the live music scene of Milwaukee, WI. I managed to book 3 shows and had a forth all set. We did the first at a bar called Kochanski's on Milwaukee's south side the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This is an anniversary day for me for reasons I'm gonna not get into right now but was my first successful attempt at booking the band. It was the Ladies' Night Out show and except for a rough start with our opening performer the night was a tremendous success. I was MC for the show and thrilled to pieces. The crowd, although somewhat disappointed by the opening act, went wild at the very first notes and words of Lonely Teardrops in the magic only these guys can share. At the end the crowd demanded an encore song. They did Fever! Oh lawd have mercy on me and how I melt seeing Vox perform this song with the awesome sound of The Unheard Of driving me into a certain madness that... Well let me leave it at that.
About the other shows...
Well covid once again reared it's ugly head and the next 2 shows we had set up were canceled and the other got shut out. Now mind you there is a fair amount of work that goes on to make these things happen but I didn't mind that my efforts were for naught, my heart was broken cuz I so looked forward to the events MC'ing, performing my duties as crew member and Vox's assistant, and most of all hanging out with my friends playing their music touching me like no other. Life can certainly be unfair at times but we have to make the best of it and pick ourselves up then keep moving. I still had Vox and my friends even if the music would have to wait.
So gearing back up...
Looks like we'll be back on the streets in a few months. In the meantime I'm going to introduce y'all to Mr. Vox Elder and the guys in the incredible band called The Unheard Of. I'm including some pics from the Ladies' Night Out show at Kochanski's on November 27, 2021. Maybe in the next blog I'll get some links posted for their music.
As always, peace, love, and blessings to all.

Here's a little tease... Visions - The Unheard Of

So to the point...
I've decided to get my old blog off the closet shelf and dust it off a bit with a new purpose and theme. Jamie's Little Light is now gonna shine on what's happening with The Unheard Of. I started booking gigs for the group early in the fall of 2021 when we all thought the covid pandemic was over and the sun was shining again on the live music scene of Milwaukee, WI. I managed to book 3 shows and had a forth all set. We did the first at a bar called Kochanski's on Milwaukee's south side the Saturday after Thanksgiving. This is an anniversary day for me for reasons I'm gonna not get into right now but was my first successful attempt at booking the band. It was the Ladies' Night Out show and except for a rough start with our opening performer the night was a tremendous success. I was MC for the show and thrilled to pieces. The crowd, although somewhat disappointed by the opening act, went wild at the very first notes and words of Lonely Teardrops in the magic only these guys can share. At the end the crowd demanded an encore song. They did Fever! Oh lawd have mercy on me and how I melt seeing Vox perform this song with the awesome sound of The Unheard Of driving me into a certain madness that... Well let me leave it at that.
About the other shows...
Well covid once again reared it's ugly head and the next 2 shows we had set up were canceled and the other got shut out. Now mind you there is a fair amount of work that goes on to make these things happen but I didn't mind that my efforts were for naught, my heart was broken cuz I so looked forward to the events MC'ing, performing my duties as crew member and Vox's assistant, and most of all hanging out with my friends playing their music touching me like no other. Life can certainly be unfair at times but we have to make the best of it and pick ourselves up then keep moving. I still had Vox and my friends even if the music would have to wait.
So gearing back up...
Looks like we'll be back on the streets in a few months. In the meantime I'm going to introduce y'all to Mr. Vox Elder and the guys in the incredible band called The Unheard Of. I'm including some pics from the Ladies' Night Out show at Kochanski's on November 27, 2021. Maybe in the next blog I'll get some links posted for their music.
As always, peace, love, and blessings to all.

Here's a little tease... Visions - The Unheard Of
Can't wait to get jamming again.
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