Saturday, August 19, 2017

Saturday August 19, 2017

Haven't updated in a few days - busy busy busy. This blog is something like a diary and between this and my book I sometimes have a feeling like I'm standing naked in front of the world. That's okay, this is meant to be a sincere and open sharing of day to day things, it just came as a bit of a surprise. Well anyhow...

Days are becoming quite interesting, almost dreamlike at times. It's really sinking in that I'm back on my path of transitioning again. Everyone's calling me Jamie, you can't imagine how good that makes me feel. Some may see it as just a name, But it's my name. It just feels like I'm becoming me again. I am seeing the effects of the hormones more and more. Estrogen in my system gives me a feeling of being normal. There was a time that my doctor, before knowing about me being transgender, had done blood work which showed I naturally have a rather low testosterone level. He talked me into very reluctantly trying a treatment to boost testosterone. Arrrrrrrrgh!!! After a day of that I was going crazy and had to stop. When I finally told him about myself he agreed to prescribe male to female hormone replacement therapy (mtf-hrt), he also apologized for pushing the T booster, but he didn't know and was just giving the best care he could. Once back on hrt, the testosterone blocker worked quickly and the estrogen began to fill my system I felt so much more normal in just a few days. I guess this is just the way I'm meant to be, well I knew that all along.

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