Friday, March 1, 2019

March 1, 2019 - An Evening In Jamie-Land

Hi everybody. I know I haven't been posting much, it's been a rather difficult time this last month with way too much drama and things that have been driving me into a deep depression stifling my creativity beyond my ability to cope effectively. I did have a rather funny experience recently though that I shared in a newsletter I help with. The newsletter is for a group called FFLUID - Family Friends Living United In Diversity. FFLUID is a support group for LGBTQ+ people along with family and others that want to understand and support us or maybe need support themselves. It's mainly transgender and families but everyone is welcome and encouraged to join us because it's all about love, understanding, and accepting. I'm sharing the article here exactly as it appears in the newsletter. Hope you enjoy.


Well it’s been a very quiet 2 weeks and I’ve felt hard pressed to find much to share. There was the panel discussion on February 24 giving teens a chance to speak with adult LGBTQ+ folks but it was a closed and private meeting so I had to miss out. Again, I was told this was considered private and confidential so I couldn’t get the scoop from the panelists either.

How about I share something else on a trans related subject?

On Wednesday February 27 I was looking to get out a little so I checked a list of events and saw a PFLAG meeting at 7:00 P.M. in Oak Park at that church - I ought to have said ‘thought I saw’. I put on something a little nicer than what I’d been wearing that afternoon, nothing terribly fancy, just my boots with the 2 inch heels rather than my comfortable clogs and of course I had to wear my new rose colored big round ‘hippie’ glasses that I just got from Amazon - a little birthday gift for myself (btw - I order these things in bulk since I love the look). Into my car I went with my usual night terror - my fear of long drives alone especially at night. Yes, yes I know - I’m just a little bundle of neurotic personalities, welcome to the 21st century.

I found the meeting place with the help of my also neurotic friend Google Maps. Google warned me as I was leaving, “The church may be closed by the time you get there.” I just spoke loudly and with a proud laugh, “Not this time Google. Ha! I know something you don’t know.” Gawd I’m such an idiot!

The lights were on and the door was open, there was a group of people already sitting inside. I strutted on in, as if walking onto a stage getting ready to do my best Janis Joplin imitation for a big drag show, singing to myself my own version of the old song ‘Lola’ - “I’m not dumb but I don’t understand, why I walk like a woman, but talk like a man, because I’m Jamie, sweet lovable Jamie, transgender-er Jamie…” Yes I proudly strutted into that room quietly singing my little theme song to myself walking right into a… BIBLE STUDY??? I was at a Bible study? Damn, when I make a fool of myself I do it big (and I do it often). Of all the mistakes I could have made I was at a Bible study group.

Actually the folks were very nice and told me they didn’t think PFLAG was meeting that night. Of course I insisted I was sure so they invited me to join them. I declined but they suggested I hang around a few minutes to make sure nobody else would show up - gawd I hate being so self confident that I drag nice normal people into my fantasy world that is only meant for me.

Well I sat in an adjoining room and a very nice man from the Bible study sat with me. We chatted for 5 or 10 minutes. I of course told him I’m with the UCC church in Simi Valley hoping to give myself some level of credibility, which it turned out was unnecessary. We talked about some social justice issues and smiled and laughed a bit - he really was a very nice person. He told me how he just retired from the church and they threw him a party. This all seemed so sweet but I decided it was time to go so with a big smile and warm hug off I went back to my car ready for the nerve shaking drive home in the dark. Google, although quiet, was somehow mocking me the entire trip. I considered a stop at Del Taco since I’d not eaten much all day. I decided instead to just head home and warm up a can of vegetarian chili. Nothing like a bowl of hot chili on a cold rainy night. I had rice instead. Well I warned y’all, it’s been a slow 2 weeks. Hope you enjoyed, ‘An Adventure In Jamie-Land'. See you at a meeting soon (I hope, oh gawd I hope…)


As always this is posted with much love, big hugs, and wishing many blessings to all from The Sweet Hippie Chick...