Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wednesday August 23, 2017

Having another one of those homesick blues days again. Seems like some days all I can think is, "I wanna go home, I just want to go home". California's okay I suppose, but if I could I would turn back the clock to a time when I was living in Milwaukee on Warren just off of Brady with my 3 cats. A time that I'd been well into my mtf transition and hrt. A time when all those special family, pets, and friends were always close. Back when I had a decent job and I could actually afford a place to live and a normal life, well normal to me anyhow. I suppose that my normal may be defined somewhat different than someone else, but when all is said and done I think we all really just want the same thing - a sense of belonging and some feeling of security while expressing our most sincere self. It just gets so lonely at times.

Looks like a quiet day today. I'm meeting a friend or two for our regular get-together-for-coffee-and-chit-chat. It's nice to spend time with friends. This little get together is mostly with other trans and sometimes a friend or significant other will join us. I like to see the progress everyone is making with hrt and talk about some of our issues. I also really love cookies and they have some pretty good ones there but nobody can ever bake a cookie like my big sister Marie. I had a job in a factory for a while right after high school and often times Marie would send a couple of those super cookies along in my lunch. Those cookies always got the attention of my coworkers and they wanted some. Sorry, I'm a very nice person but when it comes to my cookies I guard them like a lion over her cubs. I suppose we all need something that is just our own, mine would certainly include my cookies. Oh I wish I could just go home.

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