Tuesday, January 8, 2019

January 8, 2019 - I took the red pill, won't you join me...

It’s still raining here in So-Cal and cold too. I can’t believe how my Wisconsin blood has changed. When I first moved here 40 F didn’t seem too bad, now 60 F is very chilly. Still my heart yearns to go back east even with the frigid cold winters. Billy Joel wrote a song a long time ago and sings about having a New York state of mind. I guess that’s how I feel. There’s an entirely different perspective on life on the different coasts – both perspectives are valid and good, but my heart lies in the cities of the east with the buses, trains, and people walking on busy streets with tall buildings. LA just somehow never felt like a real city to me.

But I do have a plan…

Things are finally coming together after a considerable struggle that's been going on for years and I've now been released from the grip of my current location in the dessert. A friend of mine that likes to travel knows some secrets about long term life on the road and has shared much with me. Hopefully within 6 months to a year I’ll be on a course composed of buses, trains and Airbnb to allow me to take a slow meander across this beautiful country called the United States of America – a place where the native people are considered foreign and although nearly everyone is of immigrant decent we call it ‘Our Land’. But I’m not going to rehash all that. I think we all know that story now.

Now I'm telling my story...

‘Let us be lovers we’ll marry our fortunes together,’
‘I’ve got some real-estate here in my bag,’
‘So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner pies,’
‘And walked off to look for America.’

Those lines are from an old Simon and Garfunkel song called ‘America’. I suppose it’s always been something of a dream of mine to travel through this country at a sort of hitchhiker’s pace. I’d really prefer a travel companion but it looks like it’s just going to be me. The important thing is picking up our deep inner questions and asking them aloud then searching for the answers. It was kind of the old hippie quest to find America. Translated this really means a journey of self-discovery. In our western world we quickly become enslaved to a way of life that tends to repress individuality. We’re expected to conform to standards as if in the military and to march to a beat of forever supporting an amorphic concept of something called progress and promotion of social norms. It reminds me so much of the Roman society based on a military paradigm of streets and avenues laid out in a grid found nowhere in the natural universe. It’s taken many years but the status quo is changing. I think that’s why I so admire the millennial generation. The millennials seem to be the fruit of my generation’s struggle for social change and equality for all. Actually I think it began with my parents’ generation after seeing the hideous results of war and the stagnation that rises from a repression of different people and each unique culture. Sadly, there are still those that fight this change but in my heart of hearts I believe so much in the words of the great Martin Luther King Jr that state, “The moral arc of the universe is long but it bends towards justice”.

So we move on through time and space on an unexplained adventure having taken on a quest long ago forgotten. Like in the Hymn Of The Pearl we know there’s something important to do but we have forgotten that mission. Maybe once we all learn to get along and respect all things our collective consciousness will recall that mission and like Neo in The Matrix suddenly reality will become clear. I’ve had a number of experiences on the other side of the veil, some induced by hallucinogens like peyote, psilocybin mushrooms, and their synthetic cousin known as LSD, other experiences have been through many hours in deep meditation. There is so much more to this fascinating thing we so flippantly refer to as ‘life’ than the standard awareness allows. Join me won’t you? Take the red pill. See you down the rabbit hole.

Big hugs and much love always.

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